lakaddi jaisi akarati banana
लकड़ी का = LIGNEOUSउदाहरण : नाजुक लकड़ी की कोटी निश्चित रूप से इस तरह की ढुलाई के दौरान टूट जाती हैं|
Usage : the fragile ligneous cylinder would certainly have been broken during such transportation.
Usage : the fragile ligneous cylinder would certainly have been broken during such transportation.
(adjective) +4
लकड़ी लगा = TIMBERउदाहरण : बढ़ई दरवाजे में लकड़ी लगाने के लिए सामग्री लाया।
Usage : The carpenter brought materials to timber the door .
Usage : The carpenter brought materials to timber the door .
(TransitiveVerb) +1
लकड़ी की गाँठ = KNAGउदाहरण : पुरानी लकड़ी की दरवाजे पर हैंडल के स्थान पर एक लकड़ी की गाँठ थी।
Usage : The old wooden door had a knag where the handle used to be.
Usage : The old wooden door had a knag where the handle used to be.
(Noun) +3
लकड़ी की गाँठ = GNARLउदाहरण : आप का ना उलझना ऐसा ही है कि जैसे लकड़ी कहे कि आग से क्या उलझना|
Usage : For an answer Granny took the boy 's little round head in both her gnarled hands and said: A good grandmother must always do her duty.
Usage : For an answer Granny took the boy 's little round head in both her gnarled hands and said: A good grandmother must always do her duty.
(noun) +1